In answering any question that asks one to compare and contrast, it helps to define each term. First, my understanding of environmental determinism is the idea that physical environment, climate and geography shape human thought, actions, and behaviors. Apr 3, 2016 - Determinism and possibilism are two philosophical approaches in. Determinism; Environmental determinism; Possibilism; Neo-determinism.
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Outlines differences between and environmental possibilism. Authors such as Robert Kaplan (Revenge of Geography---) and Jared Diamond (Guns, Germs, and Steel) have been accused of being too environmentally deterministic.
Read to his critics here. Questions to Ponder: In what ways does the environment shape human culture(s)?
Why is Jared Diamond critical of skeptics who use the phrase ‘environmental determinism?’Why might some of Kaplan’s ideas as well as the ideas of classical geopolitics be considered ‘environmental determinism?' Can the role of physical geography be overstated in culture, economics or politics? Give three examples when it might be inappropriate. Outlines differences between and environmental possibilism. Authors such as Robert Kaplan (Revenge of Geography---) and Jared Diamond (Guns, Germs, and Steel) have been accused of being too environmentally deterministic. Read to his critics here.
Questions to Ponder: In what ways does the environment shape human culture(s)? Why is Jared Diamond critical of skeptics who use the phrase ‘environmental determinism?’Why might some of Kaplan’s ideas as well as the ideas of classical geopolitics be considered ‘environmental determinism?' Can the role of physical geography be overstated in culture, economics or politics? Give three examples when it might be inappropriate. 'Why North Korea has children’s schools in Japan. This isn’t a story about a physical border. North Koreans living in Japan experience a much less visible kind of border, one made of culture, tradition, history, and ideology.
The result is a North Korean bubble in Japan whose members face fierce discrimination from Japanese society, leading the community to turn to Pyongyang for support. Now that community is being tested like never before. North Korea routinely threatens to destroy Japan with nuclear weapons, prompting a spike in Japanese nationalism. Japanese politicians are feeling increasing pressure to crack down on this North Korean bubble, creating a battleground in the most unlikely of places: schools.'
'The Japanese don’t sleep. This is what everyone – the Japanese above all – say. I first encountered these intriguing attitudes to sleep during my first stay in Japan in the late 1980s. Daily life was hectic; people filled their schedules with work and leisure appointments, and had hardly any time to sleep.
Many voiced the complaint: 'We Japanese are crazy to work so much!' But in these complaints one detected a sense of pride at being more diligent and therefore morally superior to the rest of humanity. Yet, at the same time, I observed countless people dozing on underground trains during my daily commute. Some even slept while standing up, and no one appeared to be at all surprised by this. The positive image of the worker bee, who cuts back on sleep at night and frowns on sleeping late in the morning, seemed to be accompanied by an extensive tolerance of so-called ‘inemuri’ – napping on public transportation and during work meetings, classes and lectures. Women, men and children apparently had little inhibition about falling asleep when and wherever they felt like doing so.' If you subscribe to Edward Hall's Cultural Iceberg model (), we can readily see, touch, or experience many parts of a society's culture; what they wear, the ways the communicate, the food they eat, etc.